Wicked Wednesday – slipper war


“Look Mama I have your slippers, I’ve been putting them on my feet! They’re so big! Can I put one on your toes? Awesome, sit still. Yay! Mama’s wearing one. Wait… Mama’s wearing one… I want it…waaaaahhhhhhh!
I want that slipper, waaaaahhhhhhh!”

This week has seen some almighty hissy fits about the simplest of things in the Mamavsteacher household. Perfect for linking up to #wickedwednesday from BrummyMummyof2 where she wants to see our pictures from the moments where the kids think we are wicked!


See my plea for nominations here


Wicked Wednesday Leg Riding

I have a new game. My Daddy taught it to me. It’s called Leg Riding. Basically I ride Daddy’s leg by sitting on his foot and not letting go so he carries me around. I love holding on. I do not like it when he decides he’s had enough. If I want to play, I should get to play.
When I try and play with Mama, it’s not as good. She doesn’t move like Daddy. She especially doesn’t like it if I try on her left foot!



#wickedwednesday, Seriously?!


Seriously Mama?! You felt it necessary to share this picture with the world?! But you put me in that bizarre combination of clothes to try things on… Let’s face though if anyone is cool enough to pull that look off, it’s me!

Last week, my Mama got carried away and shared a photo of us without remembering that there was no #wickedwednesday so you can have a look at that too while you’re here if you like.


Wicked Wednesday tantrum

The lovely Brummymummyof2 runs this linky every week and I’ve been linking up for a while but today I think I have my best ever #wickedwednesdays shot…I even got 2!

This all happened on Sunday when hubby when to watch the football and left us with a solo mama and sprog day. I normally love this but we were barely talking to each other by the end of the day.


“Mama? Hold me! Now! I don’t care that you are trying to do something. Pick me up, now!
Ah, lovely now I can see what you’re doing. Wait….don’t you dare put me down. Mama!

Argggghhhhhh!!!! Hold me!!”

(It’s worth me interrupting here to say that I was just trying to dish up our dinner)

“Mama! I don’t want to sit down. I just don’t. Arghhhhh. Food eh? Nope, arghhhh. I don’t want you to try and feed me…wait, don’t stop trying to feed me. I don’t want this.

The food is pretty yummy. Why won’t you let me dip my elephant in it?! Why?! Arghhhhhhh! Get me out?! No, I didn’t mean actually take me out, I want to eat!”

And so it continued… For a long long time. He did eat, better than normal in fact, but we stopped talking!


Wicked Wednesday – Sprog present


“Mama, mama? These funny ladies that you left me with are being weird. When you went in the lounge with Daddy, they went really quiet, grabbed the huge present bag…and…They’ve put me in it! I think they wanted me to be quiet too so I played along.  They giggled a bit with me…it is a bit weird in here… What if they put a bow on my head next?! Mama?! Mama?!”

No Sprog’s were harmed in the creation of this photo. Although 3 of my friends had a great time!

Linking up to Wicked Wednesday!


Wicked Wednesday 17th December


Mama, I’m not sure about this bloke! Also, there’s a funny lady with bright red cheeks dressed as an elf behind us…isn’t that a bit weird?! Surely elves are small so that they can go through the letterbox… She’s huge…almost as big as you and daddy! Mama, I don’t think I like it very much here. Why did we queue for sooooo long?! Mama, let’s go!
