Bubble, bubble, bubble!


There’s one word that will now forever make me smile and make me a little bit warm and gooey inside.

There’s one word that will now forever melt my heart.

There’s one creation that will float by and hold memories of pride.

There’s one letter of the alphabet that will hold a special place in my soul (Sprog has since said another ‘b’ word, ‘Baby’ pronounced ‘Buby’ but I’ll take it)

There’s another day, another moment etched in my memory forever (my terrible brain power willing!)

There’s a super special and wonderful little boy who made me cry happy Mama tears…again.

And there’s a video clip of it (but I couldn’t upload it so you’ll have to make do with a photo)!

 P.S. I’m not good with words or writing description and this felt as hard as writing a poem to me!

Mami 2 Five