Weekly weigh in #7

I’ve made a few changes in my world this week which I’m hoping will help me out for the few weeks. I’ve been really enjoying reading everyone else’s posts where we’re clubbing together and supporting each other with our health and fitness goals over the last 7 weeks and it’s great to see the progress that some people are making.  As you might know if you’ve been keeping up with me, I’ve been down and then up and then back down a bit to even out and be back to the same weight as just after Christmas! I felt like I’d lost my way a bit.

I’ve done 2 things to hopefully make a difference to me this week.

Firstly, after reading about how Mummy Melton is going I decided to investigate and then get started using Thinking Slimmer. Using this, I listen to a Slimpod every evening and I love the way it approaches weight loss without talking about inches and lbs but just by talking about how I want to look and feel.  I’m only 3 days in but I have noticed that I’m less likely to snack in the evenings after dinner already.  I listened to a hypnobirthing relaxation script when I was pregnant and that really helped to calm me down about the birth and this works in a similar way by talking to my subconscious so we’ll just have to wait and see the impact over the next few weeks.

Secondly, I’ve signed up to something crazy! Hubby and I are both terrible secret chocolate eaters. We both know that we do it, we both know that we aren’t truthful to the other one about how much chocolate we eat and we both eat it in secret from each other. So we had toyed with the idea of giving up chocolate for lent when I saw the British Heart Foundations Dechox advertised. The Dechox covers the whole of March so whilst lent starts tomorrow, the donations and sponsorship for the Dechox should see me though March and I fully intend to make it to the end! So here’s my fundraising page and I would love it if you would be able to donate even just a little bit.  My text donation code is MVST99 to 70070 and that will automatically donate £3 to my page for you!

I think this week the big change has been that I haven’t been obsessing over step counts or what food I’m eating but I have relaxed a bit. Now just to see if that makes a difference at the scales; I think I would honestly be fairly happy if I maintained this week.

…. the results are in and … I’ve put on 1/2 lb which I’m actually fine with. I know I’ve been less active but I just feel so much better in myself this week. Bring on a big loss next week!

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